Waxing Tips

Avoid These Mistakes When Getting Waxed at Home

Waxing is the most common method women use to remove their body hair. It’s quite painful but gives long-lasting results. To save money and time, many women opt to wax at home. For better results, waxing needs to be done correctly. There is less to worry if you are taking waxing service for professionals but if you want to do it yourself at home, be cautious. There are some steps to follow while waxing at home by yourself. 

Avoid Excess of Wax 

Waxing requires a thin layer of application on each part of your skin. As compared to the thick layer, the thin layer of wax adheres to the skin and hair perfectly and removes hair easily. A lot of wax can leave a wax stain on your skin and can cause the hair to emerge unevenly later. Avoid waste of wax by applying a thin layer and taking a brand-new wax strip to remove wax. 

Failing to Clean Your Skin Properly 

It’s necessary to clean the skin properly before waxing. Take a body scrubber and exfoliate your skin with gentle hands to remove dead cells. Clean your skin using a tissue or dampen the towel to get rid of excess oil or dirt. Afterward, use a dry towel to dry your skin. Using pre-wax gels and creams help your skin stay hydrated and free of flakes. 

Failing to Wax at the Right Temperature

How well your wax removes your hair also depends on the wax temperature. Read the instructions carefully and warm the wax to an ideal temperature. The too-cold wax can lump on the stick as well as the skin. Or the extremely hot wax can burn your skin badly. So, maintain an ideal wax temperature before applying it to remove hair evenly and achieve smooth skin. 

Avoid Using it on Wounds 

If you have any wounds, cuts, or bruises on your skin, avoid waxing on those areas. When you remove hot wax from your skin, the damaged area can also be affected. To protect your skin, it is advisable to wait until the wound has healed before applying wax on or around it.

Don’t Be Impatient 

The process is long and painful, so be patient and follow all steps carefully. Apply wax strips over the wax and remove it quickly to avoid discomfort. This messy process takes your time but gives you a more smooth and shiny skin. When you follow all these steps properly, it will minimize discomfort and remove hair effectively. 

Don’t Forget to Clean and Hydrate Your Skin After Wax 

Post waxing, if you fail to hydrate your skin, it could result in dryness, flakiness, acne etc. Proper self-care is recommended after waxing to make skin smooth and shiny. Take tissues or towels to clean the waxed area and moisturise it using a chemical-free moisturiser. 

Summing Up 
With these simple steps, you can wax effectively at home. But if you want experts for waxing services at home, contact CuDel– a professional home beauty salon. Here, you get hot wax, cold wax, chocolate wax, sugar wax, and many more in the comfort of your home. Contact Now!

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